Step by Step Guide
Step 1: The options process is launched through the online Option Evening event. Students and parents explore the options website together.
Step 2: In PSHE lessons, students explore Start Profile and research future careers ideas. They are provided with a login name and password to allow them to access this website from home.
Step 3:Through assembly and option lessons, delivered during normal lesson time, the option process and subjects are explained to students.
Step 4: In PSHE lessons, students will explore the Curriculum Guidance Portal. Students will be asked to complete an Option Preparation Form which will help them to reflect on their strengths and achievements and consider which subjects they would like to explore at Curriculum Guidance Evening. Students are also given access to the online portal.
Step 5: Students attend a 1:1 option interview with a senior member of staff to discuss their option choices.
Step 6: Students attend their interview and finalise their choices.
Step 7: A letter is sent to parents informing them of the subjects chosen at interview.
Step 8: Students start their GCSE curriculum in September of Year 10.