Thank you for your interest in The Grange School, we hope that you find the following information of assistance.
In-Year Applications (Year 7-11)
We are an Academy that processes its own In-Year admissions, therefore, if you are considering applying for a place, please complete the below enquiry form in the first instance. The Admissions Team will review your query and will contact you within 10 school days to guide you through the next stage in the admissions process.
Following submission of an application form, in accordance with the School Admissions Code 2021, the School will respond to In-Year applications within 15 school days.
In-Year Appeals
The Grange School’s appeals are managed by The Coastal Association of School Appeals, please click the link below to access their website. Here you will find further information and appeals guidance plus the link to lodge your appeal.
Y7 September 2025 New Intake Admissions
New Intake Admissions are dealt with by the Local Education Authority. Applications can be made by post, or online by visiting the BCP Council website here.
The deadline for applications for Year 7 for September 2025 is 31st October 2024.
All applications for Year 7 starting in September 2025 must be submitted to the child's home Local Authortiy by 31st October 2024.
Any applications received after 31st October 2024 will be considered as a late application and will not be considered until after offers are made on 1st March 2025.
Notifications to parents offering a secondary school place will be sent out on 1st March 2025, or the first working day after.
Open Events 2024
Y6 Open Evening - Thursday 26th September 2024 5pm - 8pm
We appreciate that starting a new school can be a daunting time for both parents and students. We would encourage you to attend our Year 6 Open Evening which will be held at The Grange School. You will have a chance to meet the teaching staff who work across both Twynham and TGS as well as experience a range of secondary school lessons. There will be students from both schools to guide and answer questions and you will be able to attend one of two presentations from our Executive Headteacher for both of our schools.
Y6 Open Mornings - commencing Wednesday 2nd October 2024
Following on from the Year 6 Open evening in September 2024 this is an opportunity for you to book to visit the The Grange School site. This does not include a formal presentation but an opportunity for you and your child to visit the school during a 'normal working day'. Open Mornings will run throughout October and are bookable following the Open Evening by contacting us on 01202 486536 or email
In addition to our Open Mornings and Induction Day, we have a dedicated Year 6 Transitions Portal on the website which will be available from the Summer Term.
Please find below further information regarding the admissions process and advice for parents who live apart on the left of this page.
The Grange School Applications Enquiry Form
Please only complete this form if your query relates to place availability outside of the main admission round.
If your child is in Year 6 and your query relates to their application for Year 7 starting in September (Main Admissions Round), please contact your Local Authorities School Admissions Team.
Admissions Policy Consultation
Twynham Learning is undergoing public consultation regarding proposed changes to our 2026-2027 Admissions Policy.
For further information or to submit a comment or feedback please click below for further information.
Admissions Policy Consultations