The more you know about the past, the better prepared you are for the future.
- Theodore Roosevelt, President of the USA 1901-1909
Curriculum Information
Key Stage 3
Our students will learn how to interpret historical sources and ask questions about their reliability based on the provenance. They will also learn how to form opinions and arguments about the past, based on the growing body of knowledge that they acquire.
Year 7
We study Medieval History 1066-1485, looking at the Norman Conquest and subsequent consolidation of power. We also study the challenges to the power of the Kings from Thomas Becket through to the Peasants Revolt as well as learning about the power and influence of the Medieval Church. We finish by looking at the impact of the Black Death and the Battle of Bosworth. We go on to study the Tudors and Stuarts with a focus on the relationship between the Church and the State in Tudor times (including the Reformation). We also study the causes, events and consequences of the English Civil War as part of a wider consideration of the rise of democracy.
Year 8
We take a chronological view of the years 1500-1900 through the themes of Empire and Revolution. Starting with the Tudor exploration and colonisation of North America. We take an in-depth look at the trans-Atlantic slave trade and then move on to the Industrial Revolution in Britain. We contrast Britain's experience with the French Revolution before moving on to consider the American Wars of Independence and the subsequent rise of the British Empire in Asia and Africa.
Year 9
The focus of Year 9 is the twentieth century; we start with WWI before looking briefly at the inter-war years, the rise of Hitler and then an in-depth study of the Holocaust. We then study the causes of and events of WWII and finish Year 9 with a study of the Cold War.
Key Stage 4 Options Information
Exam board: AQA |
Qualification: GCSE in History |
Specification: AQA B GCSE in History |
Assessment: You will sit two examinations, Unit One and Unit Two in June of Year 11. Each exam lasts for 2 hours. |
Who is the course for? This course would suit students who have an interest in British, European and World History from Medieval times to the 20th century. History offers an interesting, stimulating varied and educationally rich course. In addition, it teaches important skills which are relevant to all careers. Since many of the issues studied in History do not have clear and easy explanations, while you are studying the topic you will have the opportunity to become more skilled at reasoning, deduction and at organising and evaluating information. |
What will I do on the course? During the two year course you will study: |